Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pep Talk

This has been a bad week so far, in the way of working out.  I’d like to attribute it to being depressed over having finished The Hunger Games trilogy, but that just seems wrong.  Although when I was reading it last week, it was a whole lot easier to get up and go in the morning. 

Ok, I admit it.  I can’t work out because I miss Katniss and Peeta.  Seriously, kill me.

Yesterday I had a dental appointment that didn’t go well, and it left me in pain and out of sorts.  I didn’t sleep well last night.  Olivia is sick.  Again.  These are all excuses that I accepted today, and again did not work out. 

Today I will get involved enough in a new book, to make it easier to go tomorrow morning.
Today I will make sure my gym clothes are out and ready to go.
Tomorrow I will forget what happened today.

Tomorrow is always a new day and that is what I struggle to remember.  If I fucked up one day, I may as well keep it going all week and start fresh on Monday.  I know that I can’t think this way anymore.  Not if I want to actually achieve something here.

So.  I may talk myself in to walking the dog in a little while.  I committed in January to get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day.  I’m not quite failing yet.  I just need to jump this hurdle and be back on track.

I think I am ready. No, I don’t think.  I know. I know that I am ready to do this thing.

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